Graduate Student Email: Lab: DeMarche Lab | Miller Plant Sciences Research Research Areas: Ecology & Global Change Evolutionary Biology Research Interests: I am broadly interested in how plant populations respond to climate change. Currently, my research explores how sex ratios in populations of an alpine plant species (Silene acaulis, gynodioecy) varies with environmental conditions and the consequences of varying sex ratios to population growth and persistence. Selected Publications Selected Publications: Chandler, E.C. and Travers, S.E. 2021. The timing of snowmelt and amount of winter precipitation have limited influence on flowering phenology in a tallgrass prairie. Botany. 100(3):301-311. Education Education: Admission to the PhD program in the Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, 2022. M.S. Environmental and Conservation Sciences Interdisciplinary Program, North Dakota State University, Fargo ND 2022. M.S thesis research:“Intra- and inter-specific variation in plant responses to climate change.“ B.S. Biology and Chemistry, Concordia College, Moorhead MN 2020. B.S. Thesis Research:“Carbon allocation differences in cultivated and native prairie forbs.“