Our department offers a broad spectrum of educational and research opportunities in plant and fungal biology.
The Plant Biology faculty, staff and students publish in top journals, are well-funded by extramural grants, present their research in seminars and conferences all over the world, and serve on a variety of grant review panels and editorial boards. Many faculty have been honored with international, national and University of Georgia awards. The tradition of excellence has provided the foundation for a remarkable number of our graduate and postdoctoral students to advance to productive careers in academics and industry.
Explore our offerings:
Independent research is a key component in Plant Biology and we offer PBIO 4960R, 4970R, 4980R, and 4990R for 4 credits. In these courses, students are trained in basic lab or field techniques used in molecular biology and/or ecology and are taught to apply these techniques to answer a research question, using the scientific method. By guiding students through making observations, asking questions, and solving problems, we teach students to think critically and practice their problem solving skills.
PBIO 4960R, 4970R, etc. fulfill the Experiential Learning (EL) requirement for majors in Franklin College of Arts & Sciences.
- Read more about Research & Experiential Learning
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