Jeff is a Research Scientist and the Assistant Director of Research and Monitoring at Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. His current research interests include understanding how forest restoration treatments alter forest heterogeneity and how spatial patterns of forests influence ecological processes such as fire behavior and forest regeneration. His background in forest disturbance ecology comes from a variety of projects in the southeastern U.S. where he studied the landscape patterns of forest tornado damage, mechanical resistance of trees to blowdown, as well as how forest disturbance from tornados influences forest fuels and the behavior of prescribed fire. Jeff holds a B.S. in Biology from Mississippi State University (2009), an M.S. in Biology from University of Mississippi (2011), and a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from the University of Georgia (2015).
Ph.D, Plant Biology, University of Georgia 2015
M.S., Biology, University of Mississippi 2011
B.S. Biological Science, Mississippi State University 2009